Who are The Pearl Girls?
The Pearl Girls are women in the Columbia Willamette Chapter who meet for lunch at 11:00 AM at the Portland Yacht club every second Thursday of the month. Some of the club’s women are not heavily invested in boats, so we decided that it would be great to get to know each other outside of boating and hear ideas about making the club more fun for all. It may sound corny, but we proudly wear our pearls to lunch. The name came from Sandy Bakke who greets each new attendee with a string of “pearls.” The men of CWC meet Thursdays for lunch at the location and time, so we women sit at our own separate table.
Discussions include what’s going on in each other’s lives and our various interests, upcoming events, and boats, of course. Lifelong friends are made this way. Some of us have started playing pickle ball together and there is talk of bowling, golf, hiking, and Zumba.
A separate mailing list has been created for the women who want to be notified of upcoming boat club events. Some of the women mentioned that they do not always know about cruises, parties, or dinners until a day or two before the event. This mailing list will keep everyone informed.
If you are interested in being on this mailing list or have questions about the Pearl Girls lunch, please contact Margaret Horn at 503-341-7562 or email marghorn@msn.com.
We look forward to seeing you at next Pearl Girls Luncheon.